So i've got some drafts for the logo and thought i'd put them up on here. Clearly I can do them in any colour, and i've tried to show that they resize well. The black one is a 30% scale of the original (the orange one), and then the pinkish one is scaled even further - and im pretty sure this one wont work because I think the symbol's meant to be separate from the logotype...i'm not too sure if the green one works too cos of the way ublo is broken up but thought i'd whack it up anyway.

The next ublo draft is a messier approach with a different symbol. I kinda like it but didn't think it went with the whole rohan nichol approach to things...not clean enough.

Anyway, all input's welcome, so leave comments if you want, even if you think it's shite - keep in mind they are drafts at the moment, i totally know the pink one needs rearranging n stuff, they're just ideas...aaanyway, thaaaaanks!!
(I've just noticed the lines on the smaller logotypes are clashing, this isn't the case in illustrator and I WILL fix it for the assignment so it'll work on a business card)
(Just noticed that there is a HUUUUUGE colour difference between different screens. I'm on my laptop right now and the greeny/yellow one was a nice green on my other monitor. Meh! Just thought it was interesting. Guess i'll have to use web colours from now on)
ps. steal these and ill be pretty sad, so dont!
Love all of those! I especially like the pink one - nice and compact....
I like the feel of the black one best, obviously its the same as the orange but its a bit stronger int he black... nice work :)
I quite like the black one. it stands out alot more than the orange one as cathy said.
however they all look great!
thanks! umm yeah the colours we're just to give some variety. I was thinking orange but a lot more vibrant than the one posted.
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